Monday, October 15, 2012

No.6 Anime Review

Well it's not really a review, more like a rant xD

But this 11 episode anime was SUPER FANTASTIC!! There where moments where you would be so happy, or brought to tears by some of the more moving events. The story line was good but it also had a very hunger games feel, minus all the teens killing one another. Dystopian literature and media is very popular and if you get a thrill from it, No.6 is a good watch for you! I'm disoipointed the two main characters didn't 100% get together, but tis good enough for me >w>

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Man, I Feel Like a Douche...

I think I let a friend down today. I really wish I hadn't but there's nothing I can do now right? I don't want her to hate me ; _ ; she means a lot and if she doesn't want to talk to me I'm going to be really upset </3. But it's my own fault too, and even if I apologized for it, it's up to her to accept it or not.

I really am an idiot.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Man I'm Tired

and I got work to do, but I don't feel like doing it so I'm just gonna write here for a while ^w^

Lately school has been a bit of a drag. I mean I love seeing all my friends and showers after gym class ( they're the best in the whole world~) but school isn't posing as much of a challenge as I thought it would when I reached this grade. I'm finishing all my assignments really early if I'm not working so I get bored in class and I lack a large amount if motivation. I don't even draw anymore because I don't really feel like it and quite frankly I have no ideas either. I know my next semester is going to be super heavy, so hopefully I'll have some ideas then. But for now I'm stuck in a little bit of a rut.

I also feel a lot of the time people think I'm pretty emotionless like this :

But inside I'm like:
or this:
or maybe even this:

and half the time I'm too zoned out to respond like this:
because I think too much and my brain takes over :T

I should probably get tested for ADD or something-